Who we are

About Us

Shiraz Histopathological Imaging Dataset Center SHIDC offers free access to histopathological datasets gathered and labeled by experts from Shiraz University and the Shiraz University of Medical Science. In order to provide better infrastructure for collaborations between computer scientists and pathologists, this center tries to gather histopathological Images. Now, there are thousands of images gathered and are labeling with experts from the Shiraz University of Medical Science. This team also designed a web-based Image labeling Assist Software that can be used in vast types of images, to ameliorate labeling time and challenges for pathologists experts. Soon, the first version of the Breast Cancer KI-67 marked dataset will be released. This center accepts collaborations with open arms!


A Summary of Our Activities

We are giving a presentation titled “Deep Learning And Pathology” at the Journal Club of Pathology Department, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences.
We are delighted to announce our talk titled “Artificial Intelligence The Future Of Pathology” with the unveiling of PathoNet results.
The SHIDC-B-Ki-67 dataset is now available upon request. For more information, please check this link.
Our latest work on breast cancer is submitted to the Scientific Reports Journal.
The pre-print version of the study named “PathoNet: Deep learning assisted evaluation of Ki-67 and tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) as prognostic factors in breast cancer; A large dataset and baseline” is now available on arXiv.
New project on Estrogen receptor and Progesterone receptor samples started.


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